Monday, November 9, 2009

Aperture's file naming. Am I doing ...

I hate Aperture's file naming with every ounce of my being. It is so frustrating and this simple item kills my workflow. I am hoping it's me and I'm doing it wrong. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

1. I import the originals. File name is _dsc.0450.nef
2. On import, I change the name to lapresle_20090926_0450 and sort by image date.
3. I edit.
4. I move images around and group them visually by subject: the details, the groomsmen, etc...
5. I rename the files sequentially. So file #450 might now be #575. The new name might be iconex_090926_prf0575 and sort by version name.

The proofs go up and the client orders #575. I open the image in A2, edit with Photoshop and save. I go back to A2 and the stack now has two images, iconex_090926_prf0575 and lapresle_20090926_0450. I export the client's retouched image to a folder on my desktop. My file naming presets are "version name_custom name" with the custom names being 4x6, 5x7, 8x10. When I'm ordering from my lab, each image has the print size in the name so I can keep big orders straight.
After each image that gets an external edit, I have to go into the folder on my desktop and rename the file. Is there any way to have A2 export the image with the name that is visible? Going back in and highlighting and renaming every file to match the proof is so time consuming.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


Orignal From: Aperture's file naming. Am I doing ...

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